Two of my favorite developers / designers, Brian Gardner & Jason Santa Maria, made announcements about their future today and I wanted to take a few moments to wish them both the best for 2009 in their endeavors.
My favorite email to his blog subscribers:
I am very proud to announce the launching of my professional website, web development team in Philadelphia and New York announced that he is leaving Happy Cog to pursue some freelancing opportunities.
Jason and the Happy Cog team, including Jeffrey Zeldman were a huge part of the most recent WordPress Restructurings, click here for more.
The good news is that he is still going to be a part of the A List Apart conferences in the future and is leaving Happy Cog on the best of terms. This guy is one of my favorite CSS gurus in the business, he has a ton of creativity and skill and I wish him the best. Jason is also a pretty funny guy, if you don’t believe it, follow him on Twitter.
After nearly five years of working with some of the smartest and most caring people I’ve ever met, I’ve decided to leave Happy Cog.
This was a tough decision for me to make; everyone at Happy Cog is like family to me. I’ve learned a tremendous amount during my time on board, much of it just by watching and listening to how great people work. Jeffrey is one of the most creative guys around, and I’m thankful that he took a chance on me years ago.
Make no mistake, Happy Cog is the best company I’ve ever worked for. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work on a variety of great projects over the years, but it’s time for me to move on and try some new things.
Moving Forward
Luckily, I’m leaving on the best possible terms. I’ll still be working on A List Apart, speaking at An Event Apart from time to time, and maybe working on the occasional Happy Cog project, but from here on out I’m back in the freelance world. I’ve got a few projects in the works, including some interesting writing prospects, and will be taking on a few new consulting gigs.
To all of my friends and coworkers from the New York and Philadelphia Happy Cog offices, best of luck, I’ll miss working and learning with you every day.
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