If you have ever had your email address published on a website you know first hand how annoying the spambots can be. These spambots cruise the web looking for email addresses that can be harvested and added to spam databases. There are several tactics that a web developer can take to try to curb or prevent this from happening but these approaches can sometimes be time intensive to say the least. I found a plugin tonight for MODx that appears to be the answer to this dilemma. Click on the link at the bottom of this post for info on the Anti-Spam Plugin, here’s a description from the repository…
Automatically encodes all email addresses in your site to unicode, this removes the plain text string of your email address from the source code, making it very hard to find. It is believed that this will stop spam-bots being able to find your email address, but is not guaranteed.
MODx Content Management System | Anti-Spam Email Plugin
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