Mike Muise has posted a pretty cool twitter widget on his blog today. It basically replicates his twitter friends feed into his blogs sidebar which is kind of a cool application if you are looking for something like that here’s the code he has posted:
<span class="lnum"> 1: </span><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http:<span class="rem">//r8ar.com/twitterati.js”></span>
<span class="lnum"> 2: </span>{
<span class="lnum"> 3: </span>“user” : “powersitedesign”,
<span class="lnum"> 4: </span>“height” : “100%”,
<span class="lnum"> 5: </span>“width” : “100%”,
<span class="lnum"> 6: </span>“border” : “0px solid black”,
<span class="lnum"> 7: </span>“background” : “#C0C0C0″,
<span class="lnum"> 8: </span>“evenBackground” : “white”
<span class="lnum"> 9: </span>}
<span class="lnum"> 10: </span></script>
You can check out what the script does by visiting his blog and looking at the right-hand sidepanel just below his navigation and blogroll.
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