I have been kind of expecting this one to play out for a while now and I’m not real surprised. (Microsoft stock should be rock bottom by now but it’s not, and I am shocked by that.) The search engines wars have all but been over for years now, with Yahoo being a distant second to Google. Microsoft has not released a product that I know of in the past 2 years that has worked well and not sucked. (on a personal note, I am going to be going to a mac sometime in 2008 after a lifetime of windows). If Yahoo decides to accept this offer I am not for sure what it will do to the search engine wars, Yahoo, as you know owns a couple of “app” sites that compete with some of “google’s apps” as well. Flickr is Yahoo’s photo sharing site and Del.icio.us is their social bookmarking product that I enjoy quite a bit. I can see a Microsoft buyout of Yahoo possibly tightening up the search engine wars but probably not ever making it close enough for Google to worry…
Microsoft makes unsolicited $44.6 billion bid for Yahoo – Feb. 1, 2008
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