While I admit that I am not a huge Microsoft fan by any means, I have to confess that I still use FrontPage at least once a day to tweak a layout no matter how hard I try not to.
I haven’t been able to totally embrace Expression 1 like I had hoped that I would simply because it kept dropping in weird characters into my PHP Code each time I would save out a project and I would find these characters spread out across multiple locations for no apparent reason.
My partner Greg and I both have been pretty put out that the preview tab was also missing from Expression 1, I am not for sure if they brought it back for version 2 or not but in my opinion they sure need to. I know it’s not that big of a deal, especially when you can preview across multiple browsers from inside of Expression but that little small preview tab was something that I really had gotten used to over the years and having it taken away is a bum deal, and I was one of the first developers to post my dissatisfaction on the Expression Team Blog while the product was still in beta.
I think that I am going to give version 2 a shot and see what I think of it, I will probably post back my comments on the experiment once I have had a chance to take a closer look. I also blogged a while back about an add-on for Expression by Eric Meyer, here’s a link to that post in case you missed it, I am thinking about bolting his product onto Expression and running them in tandem.
More Information: Microsoft® Expression®
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