Cotton Rohrscheib, CEO of Rohrscheib Capital and Mid-South Account Executive for Farmers Business Network, will be on hand at the Memphis Food & Ag Innovation Meeting in Memphis to discuss agtech in the mid-south as well as the many benefits FBN are delivering to growers in the mid-south.
The event will be held at StartCo., located at 88 Union Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 5:30pm. For those not familiar w/ this event…
AgLaunch hosts the Memphis Food & Ag Innovation Meetup, a quarterly event bringing together thought leaders from agriculture, technology, local food systems, social enterprise, investment, and the startup world. AgLaunch and the Food & Ag Innovation Meetup are dedicated to commercializing new products, scaling sustainable agriculture, feeding a growing population and fostering job creation. The Meetup serves as a space for folks of all kinds to network, ideate, and learn more about the future of food production, sourcing, and manufacturing. In order to move agriculture and innovation forward, the industries must be inclusive. Memphis is uniquely positioned as a hub of the Delta, a region rich in agricultural land and logistics infrastructure, and is a natural fit for leading the future of food and ag-tech. Each member of this ecosystem- farmers, entrepreneurs, investors, and community members, is integral to the development and success of Memphis and the greater Delta region as a global player in the ag-tech sector. Diverse viewpoints, backgrounds, and visions are crucial as we work together to build the food system of the future. Join us at the next Memphis Food & Ag Innovation Meetup for camaraderie, conversation, and collaboration.
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