Pleth was pleased to be one of the sponsors for this years event and most of our team from all three offices were able to attend. Before I go any further, I have to give props to my good friend, Arlton Lowry, this event was his creation.
One of the things I really liked about the event was that it was all in one room and there was a clear lineup of speakers and topics, no switching rooms, no having to decide which session to attend because two that you are interested in are scheduled in the same time slot (I hate it when that happens). The event registration was extremely cheap considering the overall value, not only were there some awesome speakers but there was also free breakfast, coffee, and pizza for lunch. I think each attendee also got a coffee mug and some other swag (somehow I didn’t make it home w/ all of mine, I blame the after-party).
Most of the sessions were geared toward startups and advice on launching and managing a startup, but there were also some really good things said regarding community, something I have always been a huge proponent of for a long time. Something that struck me as I looked around the room and I jotted in my notebook, there were probably 60-70 people in the room, I probably met most of them for the first time when we were doing the Central Arkansas Refresh Group meetings regularly in Little Rock. I really miss those meetings and getting to hangout w/ my fellow Central Arkansas Geeks so when I found out that there are plans underway to bring them back I almost turned a fat-boy cartwheel. If you are interested in getting plugged into our tech community, I recommend checking out the Facebook Group…
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the good people at Pleth team, being in different offices on separate ends of the state is okay for work related collaboration via skype, etc., but there’s no real good replacement for sitting at the same table when it comes to team building…
I snapped a few pics during the conference and the after-party on my iPhone and I have posted them here…
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