Okay, I laughed at this one but it’s not funny! Matt Critcher apparently ran across this somewhere and thought that it would be an appropriate logo for my blog because quoting Matt, “it’s crap anyway…” Had I known that The Cotton Club name pertained to anything for anything other than a subpar movie and a legendary night club I probably would not have used it all these years. This all goes to show that no matter how hard you work at something, and no matter how long you work at it, there are always going to be those that think it’s crap, sometimes even those closest to you… Don’t give up though, keep doing what you are doing and aggravate the crap out of them until you either die or find a better way to go about it!!!
In the meantime, I think I am going to find out who manufactures this toilet paper and see what kind of deal we can work out, there may be a lifetime supply of below average bathroom tissue in my future that I can use to roll friends yards on Halloween!!…
hahah! glad i made you laugh!