Given everything that we’ve had going on in the Rohrscheib household this past year we’ve learned several valuable lessons. For me, I know that there’s not a more helpless feeling in the world than when your wife calls you crying in pain and you are across the state going into a meeting. I’ve also learned that having a network of friends to call when things get out of hand and I’m out of town is invaluable.
I’ve also learned that kids pickup on things, even thought they might not act like it, they know something is going on. I’ve also learned that no matter how hard we pray for something, or how many people we have praying for something, it’s not going to happen a minute sooner than God’s original plan. Patience is also a booger, we don’t have enough of that in this house –but we are learning.
Parents are a gift from God. I can’t begin to count how many times my parents or Donna’s parents have dropped what they are doing to come watch Spencer while I took Donna to the hospital or a doctors appointment. They’ve made sure that he was fed, clean, and ready for school. That peace of mind is hard to quantify.
I’ve also learned that we live this life from moment to moment, how we spend those moments is entirely up to us. We can be grateful for what God has blessed us with or we can complain and wonder why things happen, I promise you that the latter will wear you out…
This past week our Pastor, Rick Bezet, delivered this message on being thankful. Thought some of you might enjoy it…
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