I was surfing the web today looking at some CSS and Standards Related Articles and stumbled onto a pretty cool find. It’s a product that WESTCIV, the folks that rolled out Style Master (Topstyle’s Competition), had on the market a while back. It’s still available for download from their website. For an old-school tables based designer like me, this might be doable. Here’s an excerpt from their site about Layout Master and the Download Link.
Source: westciv :: downloads
* Also, if you are looking for an alternative WYSIWYG CSS editor, take a look at Style Master, if I wasn’t already somewhat familiar w/ TopStyle I probably would consider this product seriously.
When we released Style Master 4 we finally made the decision to put Layout Master to rest as a commercial product, but continue to host it as freeware at our site. Layout Master was first developed back in 2000 when it looked to us as if absolutely positioned layouts were going to be the CSS answer to table based layouts. Of course, the answer turned out to be something more complex in part due to the ongoing saga of inferior browser support.
However, if you want to create and edit pure absolutely positioned layouts, Layout Master is a great free option and you are most welcome to give it a go. Note though that we aren’t in a postion to offer tech support for this product. download Layout Master using the link below, and then when you run it use the registration code and it will not expire after 30 days.
Download Layout Master 1.1 for Windows (95/98/ME/NT4+/2000/XP) 30 day demo
Yeah, I realise this is an old article but the information on their website remains the same today – 3 years later.
Is it Freeware or is it Demo?