I just got this month’s print edition of the Web Host Industry Review and found that Pleth is listed on page 28. Just a heads up in case you haven’t gotten a chance to check it out yet. Here’s a snippet from www.whir.com that talks about this month’s special issue titled “WHIR’s first annual Hottest Hosts”. It’s more or less a web hosting buyers guide, I thought that it was pretty cool that we were included. If you don’t get WHIR’s print edition you can go to their website and request a subscription there, also they have their print edition available there as well, http://whirmagazine.texterity.com/whirmagazine/200801/?u1=texterity.
January 2008 – Hottest Hosts Buyer’s Guide
The January issue is the first of what we intend to be an annual exercise, the Hottest Hosts guide to Web hosting services. This particular directory is unique to the printed medium, and an interesting extension of the hosting directory ecosystem into a new format. We’ll be going to great lengths to put this issue in the hands of new users, particularly those who might be unfamiliar with theWHIR’s work.
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