I think it helped once we explained our position via some Facebook posts I made recently. I think it’s important for me to acknowledge that yes, we got too close. If any of you in the field are perfect and never make mistakes, please excuse this post. I find it hard to believe however that there are many out there that fit this criteria (especially when some of the most experienced hunters in the field were taken from us last year, I think it’s safe to say it’s a dangerous hobby –we could all be more careful). This was, however, our first time ever being in a storm of this magnitude that was in our own backyard –so thankfully I think everyone has given us a pass on it and moved on. I think it’s probably not worth reviewing (for me especially) because I’m done. Lately from where I’m sitting there’s been more attention on this video than there has on the actual storm relief efforts so it’s for that reason that I opted to turn down Wolf Blitzer today as well as about a dozen other invitations to be on television & radio and instead recommended Drew Davis from the Arkansas Dream Center go in my place because he’s on the ground helping people, so he’s closer to the actual storm than I ever thought about being. As I mentioned on Facebook the other night, this is the only time I will address these issues…
From Facebook: Cotton Rohrscheib
We lost friends last night. I’m not going to dignify those asking why we chase storms in Arkansas (because of the topography we have here –it’s a big debate in the chaser community), or why chasers were so close to the storm? I can’t speak for anyone but myself but I can tell you that when you are chasing a storm that’s just a few miles from your home and heading toward your friends and those you care about, the gloves are off and it becomes a different story. Adrenaline takes over and something just happens. I can’t explain it. Hopefully none of you ever have to experience that, I never want to relive it. In the past we have never had any incidents with safety (and are generally overly cautious at times), and yes we did learn from what happened last year. Our purpose as storm spotters is to locate, identify, and report what we are seeing to the National Weather Service as a public service, I can’t speak for the others but I for sure don’t do it for the money or the recognition. Admittedly, storms fascinate me, three years ago I arrived in Vilonia minutes after the tornado had hit, it had an impact on me, that’s why I’ve done spotter training & certification (not once but twice). Did we make mistakes? Yes, and if we had it to do over again I would have pulled over about a half mile down the road w/ a few others (but they sustained damage as well). Rest assured I won’t be back in the field again, I’m done. God showed me last night that he’s not finished with me in this world. My time is best spent these days behind a desk at Pleth, LLC doing amazing things for my clients and most importantly, being a husband and a father! Keep our community in your prayers. #arwx
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