A lot of times when we develop pieces for a client campaign I think that we automatically assume that they just go away once that campaign is over and that they have lost all of their value but as I found out today, that isn’t always the case. I was forwarded a link this morning a link to a Methodist Church website in West Lafayette, Indiana where they had found the source to a flash piece that I did for The Church Alive a few years back where the piece was actually a poem written by one of our friends, Sonya Williams, and I had it set to sound and narrated by a close friend Chad Whiteaker. We obtained permission from Icon films to use images from The Passion in the piece and it kind of took on a life of it’s own over time within our church body. We would play this piece going into worship service on Sunday mornings and everyone would more or less repeat the poem aloud. It was a very catchy piece. Here is a link to where this church in Indiana has picked it up and is running it with their campaign: I am the church
About Cotton Rohrscheib
The Cotton Club is a monthly podcast hosted by me, Cotton Rohrscheib. I'm a 52 year old entrepreneur w/ ADHD, OCD (and now AARP) that refuses to grow up as I grow old. I have collaborated and invested in hundreds of projects throughout my career in multiple industries such as; technology, healthcare, and agriculture. I also have 25 years experience in the marketing industry as a co-founder of an award-winning advertising agency. I will undoubtedly cover a wide variety of topics on my podcast while sharing some really crazy stories and situations that I've been fortunate to witness firsthand. I also have a book coming out in 2025 titled, "Mistakes were Made"
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