My partners and I have been using Hootsuite for a couple of months now to feed our twitter feed from our Nascar website. Out of all of the Twitter tools out there, this one ranks in my top 5 just because of what it allows you to do. You can manage multiple accounts from their control panel as well as access your statistics from your related twitterfeed.
Another really cool feature about Hootsuite is that it will allow you to shrink large URL’s, kind of like does, but the big difference is that Hootsuite uses a service called that opens up the linked page w/ a small non-obtrusive frame at the top. Inside this frame you can embed your Google Adsense code into.
Honestly this doesn’t sound like that big of a deal, but that little frame w/ the adsense on it has really helped us pick up some ppc revenue.
A couple of weeks ago Hootsuite stopped serving Adsense ads and our PPC revenue from has taken a pretty good hit as a result. I have personally sent notes to @hootsuite on Twitter and they have reponded a few times about the problem and said that they were aware of the issue and were working to resolve it.
That has been a few weeks now since I heard from them, and I haven’t seen anyone else serving up adsense w/ links since then. I know that there are several people who have inquired on twitter about the issue as well, but none of us have really gotten a timeline from Hootsuite as to when we might can expect them to have this fixed. Hopefully soon…
Have you found a substitute for this Adsense integration with Twitter? I'm Googling all over the place looking for info about how to do this, but haven't found anything yet.
Not yet, but my partners and I have talked about it and concluded that it wouldn't be too hard to come up w/ some sort of framed solution like that to do the adsense thing but we have been too busy to really devote any time to it.
did'nt the service break the adsense terms? I thought adsense wasnt allowed in frames.
Yes, I believe that was what we found out to be the issue later on. It's a shame too, we were enjoying those adsense clicks. 🙂