Okay, here’s an idea. What if we put a few predator drone aircraft in the area armed with some high-end missiles that could do some serious damage and then give these seaboat captains a private access line where they could link up with our military to call in these missiles if they should come under attack by these pirates?
I would think that it couldn’t be too hard to blow one of these pirate ships out of the water with a drone given their spot on accuracy, not to mention that it would send a sharp message back to the other somalian pirates thinking about getting into the pirate business as well.
If the missile is on the money, there would be very little cleanup needed, in fact I am sure that the sharks or whatever oceanic life there is nearby could feed on the remains for a few days. Since these incidents seem to be happening in international water, who’s going to cry about it? Plus, this whole thing would give our American service people some additional practice shooting missiles from these drones so when we do find Bin Laden we won’t miss…
I know, I should probably keep my mouth shut and just blog about the web and leave the news to the news guys, but I couldn’t resist putting my two cents in about this…
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