I know that sooner or later we are going to have a client request that we develop a Google Gadget for them so I am probably fixing to dive into this and see what it’s all about. What is a Google Gadget? A Google Gadget is basically a feed that fits into a framework of sorts (Gadget API) that can be displayed on peoples iGoogle customized Desktop. I had so many gadgets on my iGoogle screen that I had to open up a new tab the other day, it’s very useful if you have a few blogs or websites that you follow closely. I will likely post back once I get this thing created with a link to my creation. If you are interested in creating your own Gadget, here is a Link to Google Gadgets API – Overview
About Cotton Rohrscheib
The Cotton Club is a weekly podcast hosted by Cotton Rohrscheib, a 50.yr old entrepreneur w/ ADHD, OCD (and now AARP) that refuses to grow up as he grows old. Having collaborated on hundreds of projects throughout his career in multiple industries such as; technology, healthcare, agriculture, and advertising, Cotton will undoubtedly cover a wide variety of topics on his podcast and blog while sharing some really crazy stories and situations that he's been fortunate to witness firsthand.
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