I posted an entry a while back where I was looking into creating a Google Gadget for my blog’s RSS feed, here’s that post: http://www.cottonrohrscheib.com/blog/2007/10/30/project-how-to-make-a-google-gadget/. I spent a little bit of time looking into this this morning and finally have something that will work using my Feedburner Feed, it looks like this…
Here’s the code for the gadget. This will allow my RSS feeds to show up on any iGoogle Desktop or Google Reader that subscribes to them. I have my iGoogle Desktop totally configured now w/ all of my favorite news sources and RSS Feeds and can’t remember what it was like before I started using it….
<span style="color: #606060"> 1:</span> <p><a href=<span style="color: #006080">"http://fusion.google.com/add?feedurl=http://feeds.feedburner.com/cottonrohrscheib/pjCa"</span>><img src=<span style="color: #006080">"http://buttons.googlesyndication.com/fusion/add.gif"</span> width=<span style="color: #006080">"104"</span> height=<span style="color: #006080">"17"</span> style=<span style="color: #006080">"border:0"</span> alt=<span style="color: #006080">"Add to Google Reader or Homepage"</span>/></a></p>
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