If you read my blog or know me you probably know that I have been growing increasingly frustrated with Vista and how unstable it can be with various programs. Just the other day I experienced a file ownership issue with my php development environment that was a real hair puller, fortunately we have gotten past that issue but there are still a few issues that remain with Vista that have me wondering if Microsoft can fix them all in the next service pack that never seems to be near release…
We have two guys that we have brought onto our team that both use Mac’s exclusively. One of them is our server admin and the other is a Cold Fusion developer. Both of them are extremely happy with their powerbooks and seem to have no problems whatsoever getting around on them to do whatever they need to do.
I have been in need of a new laptop for a while now and have been looking all over the place to find one that suits what I am going to be needing it to do and I have to admit that I am not feeling like my next purchase is going to be of the pc family. I have been looking at the lenova products a little bit but I keep finding myself going back to the mac to have another look. The new thin air notebook from Mac has really been catching my eye lately. I just can’t make myself take the plunge. I have a friend who manages a Best Buy store in Oklahoma and she had her Mac specialist call me the other day and council me on the virtualization suites that are available for the Mac that would allow me to continue to run my php environment on them and do whatever it is that I need to down the road. He was very convincing and I am almost pursuaded. I am going to keep investigating a little further and feeling around to see who else uses a Mac and what their advice is. If you run a Mac now and recently switched from a PC I would love to hear from you, drop me a note here…
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