I have been researching this cool little gadget out for a while now and finally broke down yesterday and ordered me one. It’s a gps trackers that you wear when you run that will track your performance, keep up with your pace, and log your times, etc. Definitely a cool little piece of equipment to track your workouts. For me it’s hopefully something that will keep me interested in running and will keep me somewhat consistent because as of late I haven’t been doing any cardio at all. I had a pretty good routine going at one time where I would head out each morning and get me a couple of miles in before I started my day. THe funny thing is that when I was doing this I felt great and could really stay focused better on tasks during the day but for some reason I just started getting up later and later each morning before heading into the office and somewhere along the way my morning ritual got tossed by the wayside.
Another really cool thing about this Forerunner is that it will allow me to upload my runs to Garmin’s website, www.motionbase.com. The software even does an overlay of your path on a Google Map so you can see how elevations and courses change your performance. It’s really a cool tool, I am looking forward to getting this thing in and playing with it. Here is a Link to Forerunner 201 –
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