Jason Lee Miller wrote another good entry today on Twitter and made some observations. I, myself, have been pondering Twitter as of late and I think that I have gotten my mind around about a half dozen or so practical applications for it to be useful in today’s landscape. Jason notices some different things about Twitter that I didn’t initially pick up on though, here’s an excerpt from his post: (click the link at the bottom of the page for the full article)
Previously, I and others suggested Twitter was destined for spamminess, or at least some kind of deceptive marketing. Indeed it is and indeed it has already begun. That’s not a reason, though, to avoid it. Use it while it still has value.
Also previously, I waxed existential about Twitter being, for me, a place to observe and learn from humanity. While that doesn’t seem immediately useful (if you’re old school, it seems like a real waste of time), a very large part of marketing is not just identifying your market, but understanding it better. Twitter provides a perch from which to observe and learn. A new app called Twittearth makes that perch that much more intriguing.
Search Engine Guide’s Jennifer Laycock referred to it as “acceptable eavesdropping.” From this perch, you can exercise a novel concept in marketing: listening. This is the difference between you and a spammer or spaghetti-against-the-wall message-pounder, always with his mouth open and his ears shut.
Source: Found: The Point of Twitter | WebProNews
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