With the FBN® Custom Applicator Program, we plan to partner with independent applicators like yourself to provide growers with convenient access to their crop protection products at very competitive prices. This beta program will not only give you and your customers access to our complete portfolio of products — but will also provide you with an additional income stream for your business while enjoying discounts on products as well as trade credit w/ us, subject to approval
Your Customers can also qualify for operating lines through FBN Finance and use their operating lines to purchase inputs as well pay your fees. Applicators that partner w/ us on this program can also make purchases and create shopping carts on their customers behalf.
Get Listed in Our Applicators Directory
Applicators that opt in to be listed on our Find an Applicator page will benefit from gaining exposure to new customers in your region. More Coming Soon…
This is a brand-new program and we are still hammering out all of the details. I just wanted to drop you a quick note to give you the basics, stay tuned for new details. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website and complete the information form and we will follow up w/ you in the coming weeks! You can also just respond to this email and let me know you are interested and I’ll add your name and company to my list to follow back up with…
Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon!
Cotton Rohrscheib
Farmers Business Network
335 Hogan Lane, Suite 200
Conway, AR 72034
Direct: (501) 206-1664
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