This weekend I was looking around on Facebook and discovered something kind of cool, they now have the option for businesses to add a profile page to their social network. Now, keep in mind that this is by no means a “website”, it’s simply a “profile page” that sits on Facebook’s social network. With these profiles a business can build a fan base, post forum or bulletin topics, and list their contact information. With Facebook it’s always real clean and basic, and I think I like this idea. It didn’t take me long to realize why Facebook had added this feature, when I was inside setting up Pleth networks business page I noticed a link that would allow me to purchase advertising within the Facebook Social Network. It was a very specific advertising impression engine also, it gave you the option to target age groups, geographics, etc.
I was having a Starbucks last week with Joseph Rodgers of Mass Enthusiasm in Little Rock and we were discussing Social Networking and he informed me that 40% of web users today land in one of the social networks every time they get online. This is a pretty impressive statistic considering that the other 60% probably are at work and have some kind of blocks in place on their internal networks that prevent them form visiting these social networks. If this trend holds out, I predict that Facebook Advertising will be just as effective, if not more, than Google or Yahoo’s PPC programs. This is all starting to make sense to me now, no wonder Google has been playing around with the idea of purchasing Facebook.
Oh, by the way, if you are a member on Facebook, please be sure to visit our Pleth Corporate Profile page there, click here. Be sure to add yourself as a fan as well and once we have a significant fan base we may start doing some direct communications through our profile.
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