Well I think we figured out in this episode of The Cotton Club Podcast exactly how important a reliable internet connection is to producing a show like this. My guests Keith Crawford, Brant Collins, Robert Blake, Craig McCoy, Arlton Lowry, and Steven Trotter were all gracious despite the fact we were disconnected 4 times thanks to my connection dropping out. I promise to work on this and get it all squared away in the very near future so please bear with us through this episode, I did my best editing work to splice together all of the audio, hopefully you won’t be able to tell but I bet you do…
Even though we had some tough connection issues we still managed to cover some pretty cool topics in this episode including the release of the new iPhone and the IOS4.0 operating system. We also touched on the rollout of WordPress 3.0. Another discussion was carried over from my recent blog post on social media taboo where we each weighed in with our thoughts. If you run a business and want to leverage social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Gowalla, or Foursquare in your marketing you should definitely give this episode a listen. Our guests Arlton Lowry and Steven Trotter also discussed the co-working trends that have started up in Jonesboro and Conway and as usual we wrapped up the show discussing our favorite iPhone apps. Again, please forgive our sloppiness in this episode, we are working to get everything resolved with our connection so we are up and running again soon without interruptions.
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