This weeks show was sort of an experimentation in that we had four guests on at once via Skype as opposed to just Keith and I, I think the end result was pretty awesome, we only had one glitch in the middle of the show and it was minor.
This week my guests for The Cotton Club included Keith Crawford, Robert Blake, and Brant Collins. Some topics discussed were Geo-Location Social Applications (Gowalla, Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Lattitude). We also discussed the previous day’s Wall Street Fiasco involving Citigroup and Proctor & Gamble and how a case study could be made for the entire event. Another topic we covered was Net Neutrality and what role the FCC will play in regulation. We also briefly touch on Google and YouTube’s design changes. As usual we wrapped up the show w/ our iPhone apps of the week.
One of the things that has continued to amaze me about this podcast is how our subscription counts have continued to rise each week. We are now over 400 subscribers to the show. If you have topics that you would like to hear us discuss on The Cotton Club, please drop me a line or leave a comment below and we will be happy to consider them.
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