After a short hiatus, The Cotton Club Podcast is back! Tonight I had special guest co-hosts Keith Crawford and Robert Blake on the show to discuss a wide variety of topics including the new Facebook enhancements rolled out at the F8 Conference and we each weighed in on what our thoughts were as to how it’s all going to impact site owners and bloggers. We also touched on Location Based Applications, Gowalla and Foursquare, and how we view these two competing applications.
Robert also broke a funny follow-up chapter to the Gizmodo / Apple controversy where the new iPhone was discovered in a bar. Apparently the “Apple Police” have started raiding homes! You won’t want to miss the newest revelations in this saga so be sure to listen. Also, as we closed out the show all three of us commented on our iPhone apps of the week. Keith shared Pocket Universe: Virtual Sky Astronomy, Robert hee-hawed a little bit about Farmtown, and I closed out the show discussing the Gowalla Sniffer.
It’s hard to believe but we almost went for 45 minutes this evening making this one of our longer shows, but be sure to listen to the entire show because it’s packed w/ some cool content. If you haven’t already subscribed to The Cotton Club on iTunes, you can do so by clicking here…
Halfway through before bed.
Gizmodo's potential criminal liability isn't based on IP. California law provides that if you find property you must either turn it over to the owner of the place where it is found for safekeeping or turn it over to police or you are guilty of theft. Because of the value it would be a felony. That would only apply to the person that found it but because Gizmodo knew of the circumstances there is potential liability for theft by receiving.
The big shoe though hasn't dropped. Apparently California law also provides for potential civil liability for misappropriating the property of others. Damages can be equal to the gain a person got from the use. Potentially Apple can sue and recover the increased revenue they enjoyed from the scoop.
What time is the big brunch? The girls are going to get their hair done in the morning.
The big brunch is at 10am, come early or later if you want. The tweetup is at 12noon. Just take the Dave Ward Exit and give me a call. I can also get us into a good parking situation for Toad Suck too I think. Looking forward to having you guys over!!!
On the iPhone thing, I didn't even think about simple theft laws seeing as how it was removed from the bar w/out turning it in. Also, the more I think about it, if Apple does try to go the intellectual property route, they might have a hard time when the judge asks them why was their intellectual property in a bar!!! LOL.