Last night Keith Crawford brought up something in The Cotton Club Podcast that has been out for a little while now but I just haven’t had a chance to really sit down and play with, and that’s embedding tweets into WordPress blog posts. If you are an avid Twitter user, you probably already know that w/ really good tweets, the kind that make you think, an entire conversation can be born with a tweet that may exceed 140 characters.
Well, with this in mind, Twitter decided to release embeddable tweets using Blackbird Pie a while back. This is extremely handy for bloggers who want to take a tweet and blog about it instead of posting an “@” response to it’s author. From a blogging perspective I can see a lot of practical applications for this, so I figured I would take a tweet from today and embed it in this post to give you an idea as to how these tweets look once they are embedded, etc. Here goes… (yeah, I know it’s a terrible joke, but you get the picture.)
[blackbirdpie url=”″]
Fortunately, for WordPress users, there’s an easy way to go about doing this instead of having to go to the Blackbird Pie website and generate an embed code. The Twitter Blackbird Pie plugin by Brad Vincent, once installed, allows you to add shortcode for tweets into your post like so:
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