I ran across a blog entry on smallbiztechnology.com that referenced two companies that we (Pleth Networks, LLC) have worked with in the past and still have a current working relationship with, Maltrust and BlueTie.
Both of these companies offer an awesome alternative to hosting your own email in-house or on your web-hosting server. If you have ever considered outsourcing your email solutions to a third party provder, please contact us and let us discuss a couple of popular options with you. Here’s an excerpt from their post:
If you are still using your own email server, in your office, to service your email needs, you are doing a dis-service to yourself and your company, unless you have VERY specific reasons for doing so.
Outsourcing your email to one of the many email service providers on the marketd is the way to go. You don’t have to worry about managing hard disk space, upgrading software or security – you can focus on your business.
One of the long time leaders in this space, webmail.us was purchased by the ultimate customer focused web host Rackspace in October. It’s recently changed its name from webmail.us to Mailtrust.
In addition to the new company brand, Mailtrust announced the addition of Microsoft Exchange Hosting to its product portfolio. With the addition of Microsoft Exchange to Mailtrust’s flagship Noteworthy email hosting service, customers now have a choice of platforms depending on their size, functionality and budgetary needs.
You can get recommendations from other email service providers from your local technology consultant and also check out BlueTie which has a very robust and feature rich email service.
This is something that my business partners and I realized a few years ago that prompted us to offer our Pleth Premium Email product as an Email Outsourcing Solution. Since that time premium email solutions have grown into one of our most requested products.
Source: Email As a Service: Much Bettter Than Hosting Email On YOUR Server
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