I’m real excited about launching a project this week that I’m personally involved with, Discountabetes™. My business partners and I are the distributors of the Embrace™ Blood Glucose Meter, a revolutionary meter that not only is reliable but also features voice technology and is bi-lingual (English & Spanish). The most attractive thing about our product is our low-cost test strips. Our supplies will only cost users a fraction of what they are used to paying for comparable supplies for other meters. This week we will be launching our “strip club” that will essentially deliver all of your testing supplies to your doorstep for less than $20 a month (in comparison to $80 – $130).
About Cotton Rohrscheib
The Cotton Club is a weekly podcast hosted by Cotton Rohrscheib, a 50.yr old entrepreneur w/ ADHD, OCD (and now AARP) that refuses to grow up as he grows old. Having collaborated on hundreds of projects throughout his career in multiple industries such as; technology, healthcare, agriculture, and advertising, Cotton will undoubtedly cover a wide variety of topics on his podcast and blog while sharing some really crazy stories and situations that he's been fortunate to witness firsthand.
Scott K. Johnson says
Exciting news, Cotton! Congratulations! Would love to connect and learn more.