A few days ago I reached out to Gowalla to see if they would be interested in helping us out with our first ever Toadsuck Tweetup by designing us a custom stamp for Toadsuck Daze. I got notification today from Sandi that they were in fact interested and that they were going to design the custom stamp for us. This stamp will be available for people to pick up by checking in on Gowalla during the weekend long event. Now, I haven’t seen the stamp yet, and I can only imagine that it’s going to have a frog on it since that is the direction that I pointed them in, kind of fitting don’t you think?
Why is this a big deal? Well, because aside from large, highly publicized events, there just aren’t that many of these custom stamps out there to pick up for Gowalla collectors and enthusiasts, and I am not for sure but this might be the first one in Central Arkansas for an event. The only way to get this stamp is to check in on Gowalla during the festival weekend, after that it’s gone forever unless of course you picked it up, in which case it’s yours forever! A great time to do this check in would be during the tweetup we have scheduled for 12 noon on Saturday during the festival. Stay tuned for more information on the Tweetup later, I just wanted to shout from the rooftops how cool Gowalla is for helping us out with this.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Toadsuck Daze, which is expected to see 150,000 people this year, here’s a little bit of information from the main website:
Toad Suck Daze is a free festival. A 3-day festival of food, family and fun held on the streets of downtown Conway, Arkansas. This ‘Laid Back Weekend’ occurs annually the first weekend in May and has something for the entire family: arts & crafts, ‘Toadal Kids Zone’, a carnival, local and national entertainment, food, rock wall, petting zoo, ‘Stuck on a Truck’, 5K/10K, golf tournament, a 3 on 3 basketball tournament, magicians, and so much more! Toad Suck Daze is also home to ‘The World Championship Toad Races’. The festival is run almost exclusively by volunteers from Conway and Faulkner County, including the local police and fire departments. It has free admission and proceeds go to support higher education in Faulkner County. Since the start of the festival over $1 million has been given in scholarship and towards scholarship endowments. This money has helped over 200 individuals attend local institutes of higher learning.
If you aren’t familiar with Gowalla, I suggest you check them out immediately if you work in the web industry! You can find their awesome app in the app store as well as linked from their corporate website: http://www.gowalla.com. Stay tuned for more info on this stamp as I get it…
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