Just wanted to post an update about our newest online property, NascarView.com. Our number continue to soar for this website and we are in the process of putting together a media kit for any advertisers that might be interested in coming on board with us (stay tuned for links to the media kit). We have also reached a milestone of sorts in that we picked up our 1000th follower this past week on Twitter for @nascarview.
Earlier this past week we added two new sections to the website as well that have been received very well by our readers. Those sections are “Back in the Day” and “Flying Helmets”. Our “Back in the Day” section takes a look at drivers from the early days of NASCAR and stock car racing in general. Some of our posts that have gotten a lot of attention in this category dealt with drivers like Alan Kulwicki and Hooker Hood.
Our “Flying Helmets” category got it’s name from an incident that happened during a race when Robby Gordon threw his helmet at Michael Waltrips car while the field was under caution. This section is geared toward those on and off the track fueds that sometimes give NASCAR fans a little drama to coincide with the races. So far this season has been light in terms of altercations between drivers, but the season is still very young, and I am sure we will have some interesting posts in this category before the chase gets here.
Our message board has also been gaining popularity as of late, and I think that it’s a realistic goal for us to expect about 200 active members by the time Talladega rolls around. If you haven’t already, I invite you to checkout NascarView.com!
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