I ran across something today that was pretty cool. Let’s say you are using PHPR to generate your PHP pages and code, the advanced search feature is setup by default not to give a URL in it’s results (I have wondered why this is because basic search gives you a workable URL string for building links, etc.). This would only be handy I guess if you were wanting to narrow a search down by more than one field (real estate sample: “brick homes” in “x city”, or “wood homes” in “y city”, etc.). Well, Jane posted something to the tips and tricks section of PHPR’s support forum that allows you to go in and tweak out the code before it’s generated so the Advanced Search also will return a URL string that you can use in building your links. Here’s what she posted:
Proceed to the Visual Editor and open the advanced search page.
Switch to HTML mode and find the following code snippet:1: <form method="POST" action="TableName_list.php" name="editform">Replace this line of Code with this:
1: <form method="GET" action="TableName_list.php" name="editform">Once you have changed this one line of code, then go back into your project and run the advanced search, the URL will then be available for you to paste into your code.
Source: How to get the URL of advanced search results page – Forums
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