This has been a pretty crazy week around here…
As a lot of you are already aware, up until this past week I’ve had what a lot of people would consider an awesome run. I’ve been able to work from home, probably 80% of the time, for the past 7 years now. I’ve had the awesome privilege of working in my pajamas, spending time w/ my awesome, smoking hot wife, and for the past year or so, playing w/ my awesome, soon to be movie star son whenever I decided to take a break. I’m not gonna lie, some days I’ve even showed up for work in my boxers. Those that know me aren’t surprised by this in the least.
Well, this past weekend I did some shopping and yes, I bought some pants. With Pleth growing at an amazing pace and offices in Batesville and Jonesboro, this is probably overdue. The biggest motivation for me was when Spencer started walking the other day, in case you haven’t seen that video here you go…
You see, now that he’s mobile and all that is standing in his way of wandering into my office and stringing me up w/ USB cables while I’m trying to work is a small gate that we purchased a while back to keep the dog out of the office. Sure, it will keep him out of the office, heck… this sounds bad that I’m trying to keep him out of the office in the first place, what kind of parent does that right? Well, as I’ve admitted in the past, I have ADHD, and it only takes a butterfly in the bushes outside my window or a hummingbird buzzing by the flower bed to completely derail whatever creative mojo I might have working at the time. So, imagine how things go down when I turn around the other day to find not only the dog staring at me from behind the small gate but also my son who just happened to be in the neighborhood to toss an armload of toys over the gate to me before he waved and cruised away in his stroller. hah. It was very comical and i won’t ever forget it.
Long story short, I’ve had very good synergy with my attorney, Shane Henry, over the years and he was very pivotal in helping us out during the adoption process. Pleth also uses Shane to represent us in various ways as well. He’s a great guy -also the guy that I’ve partnered with on, an online adoption agency here in Arkansas. We were talking the other day and I mentioned that I was looking for commercial space to open an office here in Conway and he mentioned that he had some space in his office that would be perfect since we already had a few projects going together and it just made sense.
The past two days I’ve been in the process of getting transitioned to working outside the home. Since I’m basically leaving my home office intact I had to have all-new office furniture, computers, chairs, etc. I never realized how much stuff went into setting up an office, partly because my partners Greg and Stephen more or less did all the legwork when we setup our new office in Jonesboro because they were so much closer being in Batesville – I have a whole new respect for those guys! This evening I “clocked out” around 10:30pm at the “outside office” only to come home and login to get caught up on some emails. We have one more day of getting moved in left, and that’s mostly assembly of shelves and configuring our office network. I also still have some books and things to move over but I’m not going to be in a huge hurry about all of that just yet.
One lesson I did learn in this process, when you purchase office furniture and they offer you assembly at an additional charge, go for it. We’ve almost worn out the dewalt cordless screwdriver the past two days and I owe my wife a day of pampering when it’s all over because she’s the one that reads the instructions and puts things together. Remember, i have ADHD… ooh, butterfly!!
Oh, by the way… here’s a map of our office locations…
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