Late last season when my tomato plants had almost played out for the season due to some fungus issues that I wasn’t able to control, someone told me about aggressively pruning tomato plants (indeterminate varieties) to maximize yields and extend the growing season by keeping plants healthy and productive. This was something new to me, […]
Why I Grow Indeterminate Tomato Varieties in my Raised Beds…
I like to plant indeterminate tomato varieties because they start growing the minute I transport them outside and do not stop until we have our first frost. Some varieties can grow to become 6′ to 20′ feet tall and will continue to produce fruit the entire growing season. In central Arkansas I’ve had really good […]
My Second Attempt at Growing Sugar Kiss and Honey Kiss Melons
A couple of years ago my mom turned me onto the “sugar kiss” and “honey kiss” melons that would occasionally show up in our local wal-mart and sams club produce sections. These melons strongly resemble a canteloupe –however, they are 10x sweeter than you can imagine and their texture is completely different. I sat down […]
Our 2020 Raised Bed Garden
This was our second year to plant a raised bed garden at our place in Conway. What I lacked last season in production was balanced out with a tremendous amount of education when it comes to “square foot gardening.” Last season I ran into some issues w/ my tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons because of disease. […]
Our Urban Farming Experiment Continues to Take on Wings, Literally… Our Flock of Backyard Chickens!
I guess if you have to pick one positive thing about the whole COVID-19 thing and the subsequent “shelter in place thing”, for me it would have to be the ability to get caught up on thousands of household projects that I had been putting off or thinking about that were still unchecked on my […]
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