A few weeks ago my Mom introduced Spencer to the joys of bubble bath while she was in town for a visit. Some of you may have seen the super awesome photos my dad snapped of the whole ordeal. A good time was had by all involved. Well, fast forward to just a few minutes ago… I could hear the excitement of bath time w/ Granny over the baby monitor in my office, it sounded like Spencer and Granny were doing just fine as I listened in while I worked on a client project.
As I was listening to the water draining from the tub and granny talking to Spencer as she dried him off a moment of silence came over the airways before I heard my mom yelling out, “Donna, help!” followed by more silence before “Henry, help!”, neither responded because Donna was on one end of the house hanging banners for the birthday party this weekend and dad had walked outside so I was the first responder on the scene… and wow.
As I made it into the doorway of Spencer’s bathroom I knew something wasn’t right. Spencer was laying in the floor partially wrapped in one of those cute wrap up towels that someone gave us a while back (you know the kind that looks like they have teddy bear ears, etc.), well the towel was brown… and so was my son. From head to toe I tell you…
Apparently in that split second when Granny pulled him from the tub and laid him on the towel she didn’t glance down at the towel and notice anything (because the towel was brown) or somehow Spencer dropped a stealth load, but inside the towel that was being used to dry him off was a “pile” of such massive proportions that it would make even an adult with a diet high in fiber proud to claim as their own. As I happened upon the scene I noticed a few feet away from ground zero our pug, Bogey, was stationed in his usual spectator mode looking on with the most guilty face I’ve ever seen. I was quickly ushered out of the way by my wife who calmly requested that I go get the baby wipes. I did as I was told.
Needless to say the kid got a second bath. As to where the pile originated it’s still up in the air, some say it was dropped mid-flight by Spencer but my bet is on the dog. This is the scene at ground zero as cleanup was underway…
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