This is the phone that I currently am carrying. I used to carry the Treo650 with the Palm Operating System and in a temporary mood of insanity I decided that the Windows Mobile OS would be nice for a change. I like the OS, don’t get me wrong, but I think that the phone could perform […]
MobiTV® : Mobile and Cell Phone TV
I have the MobiTV software on my telephone (cingular 8525) and it’s really pretty cool. I have used it several times to watch sports, get weather channel forecasts and even news. It only takes a minute or two to load completely even in remote areas and it’s streaming is pretty high-end, once it starts coming into […]
Wicked Cool Perl Scripts
I want to compliment Steve Oualline for writing a good article that has some perl hacks to help debug CGI programs that you write. I personally am not a big CGI / Perl programmer but have worked with some in the past and I know how powerful Perl can be to take a lot of data and parse it into dynamically […]
Make Your Free Trials Irresistable…
I am currently in the process now of creating some demos of software applications that I have written and I found this article offered up some good tips for creating effective demos for clients and potential clients alike to signup for and deploy for testing. Link to Vitamin Features » Create an irresistible free trial for your app
Web Crash 2007…
It’s good to take a break every now and then and have a laugh, this is a pretty funny video someone forwarded me a while back. Gosh, and some people would go right along with this if they saw it. ha.
Paint.NET – Free Photo Editing Software for Windows
I have to admit that I was a little hesitant to try a new graphics software program, I am still using Jasc Paintshop Pro 8 (I think that they are on v10 now). I have the new software, Corel Paintshop X and Photoshop CS2 but just like the way I can get around a lot […]
Microsoft Live Writer (beta)
Chris Leeds turned me onto this cool tool and I have to say that as always he has stumbled upon something very cool that will positively impact the way I do things. 🙂 Thanks Chris.
Linux Server Load Averages Explained
This is another good resource from WHIR explaining Linux Server Load Balancing which can sometimes be confusing to grasp, or at least was for me once upon a time. Linux Server Load Averages Explained
Cool JavaScript Tools…
These JavaScript code-generating tools make creating useful JavaScript code a snap. Ranging from the Doc’s bookmarklet’s tool, to rollovers, and menus (popup and hierarchical), these tools can help you enhance your site in a jiffy. Bookmarklets Perhaps the best kept secret in JavaScript, bookmarklets are one-line scripts attached to links that are easy to create and […]
ASPRunner Professional (New Release)
My favorite IDE Manufacturer has came out w/ their newest release for ASP. I can attest to their PHP IDE products being first class. I foresee Xline being one of the top IDE’s on the market in only a short period of time just because they are very fast to support their products and their […]