I really enjoy these web reference articles on different things, I have picked up a lot of good php info from them in the past and it seems like they are putting out some good ajax oriented stuff as well. I strongly recommend this website to anyone in the development community… Link to Anatomy of […]
I can thank our Server Admin Matt Critcher for turning us onto this, great, now it’s in my head…
I Love Delicious Links…
With a lot of these new 2.0 tools that are out there I sometimes fail to get it, I know that I might be getting old and set in my ways but rarely do I find a tool that I like as well as Delicious. If you haven’t given it a try you should, it’s […]
Azithromycin – Wikipedia
The past two or three days I have been under the weather in a bad way. Sinus congestion, ears stopped up, even a sore throat. I called my doctor and he ordered me up a “z-pac”. I got the pack last night and took two tablets as directed on the label and went to bed. […]
Epic Fail
I know that this is really “not funny”, but for some twisted reason it’s like one of the most popular videos today on both Break.com and Ebaumsworld.com, I guess that just goes to show you where we are at as a society, nontheless here is a Link to Epic Fail.
Frog in a Spud Gun!
I can see it now the folks from PETA are going to have a cow. These dudes took a Spud Gun, known in the south as a Tater Launcher, and shot a frog out of it with a parachute (plastic grocery sack) tied to it. You just have to see it to believe it. Gosh, […]
HostingCon 2007 – Chicago’s Navy Pier
Well, we are now back from HostingCon 2007, Kegal and I flew back in last night. This year it was held in Chicago at the Navy Pier and I think that it was a lot more productive for us as opposed to last year in Vegas in terms of meeting new vendors as well as touching base […]
Paul Stahura of Demand Media
Also had the opportunity to spend some time with Paul at Sushi Samba in Chicago and my partners and I all agree, besides obviously being extremely intelligent and talented, this guy is hilarious. He must be a hoot to work with. He kept reminiscing about an old trailer that he used to live in, said he […]
Google Password Strength API
I ran across this the other day and thought it was worthy of mentioning here. I have been writing some apps in php that have client side login screens that more or less could be hacked through brute force attempts just like any other web login form out there (including your online banking account…). This google password […]
Upload Picasa pics to Flickr with Picasa2Flickr
I actually ran across this on SourceForge the other day, what a handy little tool or add-in for Picasa. Just think, now you can use a Google owned application (ie. Picasa) to upload content to a Yahoo tool (flickr), what next? Link to Featured Windows Download: Upload Picasa pics to Flickr with Picasa2Flickr – Lifehacker
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