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A while back I started complaining about the intersection of Donaghey & Favre in West Conway because it’s a route that I travel frequently, and to be perfectly honest, it’s one of the most challenging intersections I’ve ever encountered as a motorist. Each morning a melee of confusion, road rage, and dysfunction can be found in the form of motorists on their way to work or dropping off their children at the nearby Ellen Smith Elementary school. This intersection is extremely dangerous and confusing to motorists coming from each direction because no one really knows what to do. It’s not a four-way stop, which could potentially fix this issue, but given that no one knows when it’s their turn to go, it’s best described as mayhem. Normally I wouldn’t even complain about such an issue because there are traffic challenges in all communities across the United States but because Conway is a city that I do love, and we are already so close to perfect (in my opinion anyway), I would really like to see this dark spot removed from all of our daily commutes. To expand on this backstory a little bit here are some previous complaints that I’ve went public with on social media and various community forums. See the Discussion Board: The Cabin (2010), and also here (some of you might remember the YouTube video).
All of this promoted another social rant from me on Facebook one morning and what happened next was unexpected, I received direct communications from two members of the city council that gave me their word that they would look into the situation and see what could be done. Well, fast forward to the present, they kept their word and a study was done recently by the city engineer to see what could fix this problem and a proposed change to this area is now on the books, but it’s my understanding that in order for the project to come to fruition the council needs to vote on this issue and appropriate the funds. I’m sure that I’m not doing as good of a job explaining what needs to happen from a municipal standpoint as I should -but here’s the gist of it. I was told that it was going to be placed on the agenda for the next city council meeting for them to vote on — but in order for it to pass we needed to let the council members know how important this intersection is to us so that’s the purpose of this blog post. If you are confused as to the location of this intersection, see the map below…
Now, what can you do to help out?
If you are a resident of Conway and want to see this problem area to be addressed and want to encourage the council to appropriate funds and give it a top priority, simply complete the form below and submit it to the city council and it will hit each of their inboxes. Simply put, this is the best way I know to accomplish this mission. I hope that each and everyone of you that share my interest in this intersection will not only complete the email form below but will also share this post on your Facebook and social networks so that your friends and neighbors can also join in on our mission toward fixing the intersection of Donaghey and Favre Lane and ensuring that we have a safer Conway!
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