I posted last week to see if there was any interest in having a Conway version of the #LRTweetup or Little Rock Tweetup. I got numerous tweets back from people saying that they would be interested in launching something like this and even a few folks volunteered to help coordinate everything, which was very promising because I know first hand from helping to establish the Central Arkansas Refresh group that it takes a little bit more to pull something like this off than people think.
One representative from the Conway Chamber of Commerce, Jamie Gates, @chambergates offered his support as well. I am going to follow up w/ him this next week to see what we can come up with. This whole thing should be a lot of fun, not to mention an excellent networking opportunity for everyone in the Conway area. I have dubbed this thing the “Toadsuck Tweetup” but we can tweak the name later if everyone thinks that’s lame. So far, the people that have spoken up to say they wanted to be involved were:
Update: I have setup a Twitter list for the people that have expressed an interest, you can find that list here.
- @cottonr (organizer)
- @mscottonz (organizer)
- @chambergates (Conway Chamber of Commerce, TheChamberLife.com)
- @chamberjamie (Conway Chamber of Commerce, TheChamberLife.com)
- @chamberkathy (Conway Chamber of Commerce, TheChamberLife.com)
- @hillreflects (organizer)
- @dspurgers (organizer)
- @varvil
- @SavannahB
- @ambersharae
- @thelukeirvin
- @jgreghenderson (volunteer from LRTweetup)
- @tsudo (volunteer from LRTweetup)
- @brewern
- @tarkka
- How to Get Involved:
- I think that I have everyone that responded to my original post included in this list but if I left your name out, sorry about that… Please comment below and leave me your Twitter name and I will get you added. Also, if this is the first that you have heard of the Conway Tweetup and you live in the Conway area and would like to be a part please comment below and leave your Twitter name and you will be added. The group is totally open to anyone… Also, please Retweet this link to your friends to help us get the word out.
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