I have often compared email address from a college to join Facebook in the very beginning.) But, my primary gripe about MySpace nowadays is that it is totally out of control. There is not the level of interaction on MySpace that there is on Facebook, not to mention the out of control templates that members have created with blaring music and offensive photos in plain sight scrolling through right before your very eyes.
I think that MySpace has maxed out it’s potential and if it doesn’t eventually make some strict system wide changes regarding spam and usability, it could easily be on it’s way out.
Being in the industry I maintain a MySpace Account, you can check out my MySpace 2.0 Profile here. Recently, I was able to implement my blog’s RSS Feed inside of the MySpace network using their RSS Feeder Application. I have to admit that this did change my feelings toward MySpace slightly, my primary gripe all along about MySpace is that they didn’t really have a way outside of their bulletin board to share your blog feed or other content inside their network without really jumping through some hoops.
I have had my content syndicated on MySpace now since December of last year and while looking at my traffic analysis today I discovered that I am not seeing MySpace as a referrer very much, especially in comparison to Facebook, where my content is also syndicated. Another factor that makes this interesting is that I have approximately the same number of friends on Facebook that I do MySpace. I will also go as far as to say that I have more web developers as friends on MySpace as I do on Facebook.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to abandon MySpace or anything like that. I still have a lot of good friends there, and have made a lot of contacts within the network but when it comes down to recommending social networks to my clients, I never bring up MySpace to them.
I would love to hear some other developers perspectives on MySpace, drop me a comment and let me know what your thoughts are. Do you have an account, do you use it? Do you login on a daily basis, or maybe once a week like I do?
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