I just wanted to post a quick note about this past Tuesdays Central Arkansas Refresh meeting. We had another great turnout, somewhere between 40 and 50 people. It’s great to see the group continue to grow in size w/ each meeting. I think that we broke 100 on our Facebook Group this past week also, so everyone keep spreading the word.
If you were unable to attend Tuesday night you missed out on two great presentations. Daniel Spillers from UALR gave an awesome presentation on WordPress and how they have rolled it out as their CMS. I hope to have his slides from his presentation available on the Refresh website this week. Kelly Griffin also gave a presentation on Adword campaigns and demonstrated a tool that he has developed in ColdFusion for managing their day to day bidding process. Both talks were extremely informative and I left out w/ brain overload…
We also streamed the meeting via Mogulus for a few that were unable to attend. I hope to have that video posted on the website as well so that everyone can watch it on demand.
Topic / Speaker for Next Month…
Since having two speakers at each meeting doesn’t leave a lot of room for networking after the meeting we have decided to only have one speaker each month, this will give us a lot more time for questions and answers as well as networking. We are looking for some ideas from the group as to what topic they would like to discuss at our next meeting and if anyone out there is interested in sharing a presentation with the group just drop us a note and let us know. One thing that I have come to realize just by hanging out with everyone at these meetings is that I really underestimated the level of talent that we have in Central Arkansas, we are blessed to have some sharp people that are doing some amazing things.
Next Month’s Meeting…
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 30th at 6pm at The Flying Saucer again. We will be sending out the usual Facebook Event Notifications as reminders, and you can also RSVP via Twitter by going here: http://twtvite.com/3vsnym.
I also wanted to add one more thing…
I can’t thank Brant Collins enough for being our equipment guru, he brought his projector, cameras, laptops, etc. and handled all of the technical stuff for the presentations. Next time you see him be sure to thank him because I can promise you things wouldn’t run near as smoothly if I tried to manage all of that. Also, thanks to everyone else who has helped out w/ the planning and managing of our Facebooks, LinkedIns, Twitters, etc.
Look forward to seeing you at the next #RefreshCA meetup!!
Central Arkansas Refresh Group
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