I was looking around on WordPress Codex today and ran across a very cool plugin, wpAmember. We have a few clients who manage a large online membership database with renewal system called Amember. This solution is extremely flexible and pretty popular among developers because it packs a lot of features. The wpAmember plugin allows you to integrate Amember into your WordPress framework. Here’s a list of it’s current features:
- Configurable Title (Default: Members)
- Configurable Active Link Title (Default: Active Memerships)
- Configurable Amember Directory (Default: amember)
- Skinnable via CSS (input#amembersubmit for submit button)
- Full XHTML compliancy
- Listing of members subscribed products (hyperlinked where applicable)
- Works under WordPress 2.3.x and 2.5
- Remember me checkbox
- Ajax based invalid userid/password checking
- Ajax based “Forgot Password”
- Configurable “Logged in” links (check boxes in adbmin to select which links you want to show to members)
- Ajax based lightbox based version to bypass redirect to login page
Finding this plugin has me pretty excited, with WordPress as the framework and Amember running in the background for membership management / renewal / authentication, the options for a mashup of these two solutions is pretty limitless. Source: WordPress › wpAmember « WordPress Plugins
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