I am trying out a new tool that plugs into Windows Live Writer that allows you to quickly add links to books on Amazon through your Amazon Associates Account. Since I have read a lot of books related to web development I figured I should setup an Associates Account with Amazon and post book reviews on here to some of my favorite books. This Amazon Associates program is pretty cool, I get 4% commission on all sales that are generated through this site, pretty slick huh? This is yet another way to generate income from your blog or website. If you are interested in the Amazon Associates program, here’s a link: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/, and if you are interested in getting the Amazon Associates Plugin for Windows Live Writer, here’s that link as well: http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=41954338-69de-47d5-b15e-ca0d770146b6&bt=9&pl=8
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