Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to have an in-house marketing team that you could bounce ideas off of? Not only that, but what if this team also brought you ideas for marketing your business, not just the same old ideas, but ideas that come from a fresh perspective outside your business. Also, what if this “team” also had IT running in their veins and knew how to bring ideas and plans to fruition?
Well, hold onto your hats because that’s exactly what Pleth is all about these days. We have built one heck of a team at Pleth over the years and our growth is un-freaking real these days. Not only do we have people that can pull off projects that we never dreamed we’d be in a position to pull off but they are kicking tail and taking names while they are doing it. AND we love it.
Recently we’ve been taking on agency of record / retainer relationships with some of our clients that I feel like is one of our biggest value propositions since we’ve been in business. I was talking to a client today that operates a business in the financial industry and they know their industry well, and managing an in-house marketing / IT department is something completely foreign to them, and something they just don’t want to do. A “marriage” with a company like Pleth is a logical move for them and I can’t wait to discuss the opportunity with them further. Is your business at a standstill? Could you benefit from something like this? If so, don’t hesitate to let us know, we’d love to discuss your needs and see how we can fit into your operations.
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