I was just reading an article on WHIR about the Advantages of Website Monitoring, it’s a well written article, I will quote a few pieces of it here in this post. This article got my wheels to spinning because I wasn’t for sure if we (Pleth Networks, LLC) have ever really shared with our clients why the don’t need a Website Monitoring Service before in any of our presentations or proposals, or even on our website. It’s simple, the reason our clients don’t need to monitor their website by using any of these third party providers is because we actually do that for them. That’s right, this is just one of the reasons why Pleth is a little bit different than most hosting providers.
In the event that one of our web-hosting clients websites should go down we have a monitoring service that will alert each of us by SMS Text Message on our Cell Phones / Pagers that a website is not responding and then a live operator will start calling each of us to let us know that a site is not responding to ping or available online. Granted, we seldom ever get these phone calls or text messages because we have pretty outstanding uptime records but it’s good to know that it’s there if we need it. We put this service in place when we first got our Private Rack Solution setup at The Planet and have always felt that it was just another level of support that we can provide to our clients. In most cases we are able to login to our servers and remedy whatever issues we are having within a few seconds of receiving these notifications and quickly re-establish our clients websites.
Here’s an excerpt from the article posted on WHIR.com about the Advantages of Website Monitoring
Operators of e-commerce websites know factors like reliability, credibility and accessibility are what can make or break your business. Repeated downtime or slow response times can occur either because a site receives an unexpected number of hits one day or has a serious flaw in its coding architecture.
If you are an existing Pleth Networks Managed Webhosting Client or are considering Pleth as your Managed Hosting Provider and have questions about our Website Monitoring Practices for our clients, please feel free to contact us.
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