Joseph Rodgers sent me a link this past week to check out a post by Collis Ta’eed about a website where you can actually purchase ready to go admin themes for your web application just like you would a front end template and stylesheet from a template website. This is an awesome idea and I don’t know why I never thought of this? If you build web applications and are interested in checking this out, here’s the link on theme forrest.
If you have ever had to sit down and basically build a control panel for a client application before you will see the benefit in a resource like this. I have browsed through the listing page and there are also some very nice themes listed. Here are a few that I am considering for a project I have had going for a while now: AdminNano, Liteadmin, and HQ.
Here’s an excerpt from Collis’s blog post:
In my years as a web designer I can’t remember how many times I’ve had to theme a back-end admin system for one reason or another. It seems to be a really common task so when we started ThemeForest a couple months ago I added an “Admin Skins” category for back-end admin themes and it’s turned out to be the most popular category on the whole site. It makes sense because a client admin area often just needs to look neat, tidy and professional, so spending ten or fifteen dollars on an HTML skin is a pretty economical way to make the job look nice and slick, especially if design isn’t your primary skill set. The themes generally have a range of styles for things like tables, lists and even calendars, so they are pretty flexible and can be moulded to fit most little applications.
7 Awesome Admin Themes to Skin Your Next Client App (via ThemeForest) – NETTUTS
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