Gosh, it’s going to take forever for me to get used to putting 2009 instead of 2008, seems like I just got used to putting 2008 on checks and things the other day. In lieu of a New Years Resolution this year, I have a few personal goals for 2009 that I want to achieve instead. I figure that if set several goals for things that I want to achieve as instead of locking myself into one thing like I have in the past I will have a lot better chance for success, even if on a smaller scale.
By the way, my resolution this past year was to lose weight and get into shape, and I am happy to report that I somehow managed to do just that for the first time in my life! Over the past few months I have managed to drop about 20-25 pounds, and most importantly corrected some bad lifestyle and dietary habits that I had accumulated over the years which should help me long term in my overall quest for wellness. (I am still losing weight so hopefully it will continue). If anyone is interested in my diet just drop me a note and I would be more than happy to share it with you.
Here are some of my goals for 2009, in no particular order:
- Personal Ministry: It has been my belief that God gave me certain talents and abilities in order to make a good living, but the main reason for this gifting is to further his kingdom, which I have strived to do over the past few years by working closely w/ several evangelists and ministry centers. I plan to take this to a new level this next year by incorporating some cutting edge technology into my online ministry projects. Stay tuned…
- Business Networking: I have honestly taken the last few years off in terms of business networking, I used to meet at least 10 new contacts a month during the startup years of Powersite but since getting the business off the ground and later co-founding Pleth, I just haven’t done a lot of that anymore, this is going to change as I find myself craving new and exciting projects for the coming year. Also, Pleth just opened a satellite office this past year in Jonesboro, I hope to make it over there a lot more this next year to re-connect with some old friends and make new ones within the industry. I am also looking forward to meeting with new clients in Northeast Arkansas to share some ideas and continue to work on awesome projects from that part of the state. I am also going to make it a goal to finally get out and meet new people in the Conway area. I have managed to stay busy this past year on client projects and haven’t devoted a lot of energy toward establishing my presence here yet, I hope to change that this next year by becoming more visible in the business community.
- Expand our Print Business: This past year my partners and I added print and graphic design to our list of service offerings. Since that time we have been awarded numerous bids on print jobs and design projects. I hope to do a better job of marketing our services in that realm and providing our clients with more comprehensive marketing solutions.
- WordCamp: I would love to attend a My partners and I share the same goal on this one, we are looking to further enhance our e-commerce and security offerings this next year. Stay tuned to the Pleth website for news and updates regarding this venture.
- Email Solutions: Over the past few years we have really built our premium email solution into one of the top saas (software as a service) solutions on the market, but we aren’t going to rest on our laurels, staying on top of the industry isn’t easy, we are going to be adding lot’s of new features to our already successful product this next year, stay tuned.
- Online Properties: My business partner Pleth) own several online properties that to date haven’t really been a primary focus for us because we spend so much time developing projects for our clients, but this next year I want to expand this into a profitable business model for us. I get a lot of inspiration for doing this by watching how our friends at Demand Media have been able to be successful w/ their online brands. Just to give you a preview as to what my first online project will be, think NASCAR…
- Increase My Blog Traffic and Readership: I have seen a lot of traffic to my blog this past year and I hope to see that continue over the next couple of months. I am hoping to leverage some of the social networks (facebook, my business partners and I can assist you or your business in this next year, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line, we would love the opportunity to work with you!
Great post
Loved to read your blog. I would like to suggest you that traffic show most people read blogs on Mondays. So it should encourage bloggers to write new write ups over the weekend primarily.
charcoal grill
well done. i like you blog.
Merry christmas to you and you family.
Thanks for sharing.