I was honored to be one of the presenters last night at the Inaugural Southern Socials Event #SoSocial in Little Rock. The presentation format was pretty interesting, we used the Pecha-Kucha format where you basically present 20 slides x 20 seconds each. So, each speaker gets roughly 7 minutes to do their presentation, then of course the Q&A segment. While there was an awesome turnout for the event (we even had a group from Jonesboro drive over), the atmosphere was still very engaging and there was a lot of discussion within the group.
I opted to do my presentation on Blogging as opposed to Social Media because I couldn’t think of a Social Media related topic that hasn’t been covered several hundred times already by others. In case you missed my presentation, here are the slides: (warning: one of these racier slides had a few people spewing their drinks through their noses!)
Here are a few tweets in relation to the presentation:
- arlton: Had a great time @southernsocials. Thank you @bryanjones @amybhole @cottonr @downtownlawyer. Good times with good people. #SoSocial
- jgreghenderson: Good quote "people who are afraid of social media are usually the ones in the business with the checkbook" @cottonr at @southernsocials
- tsudo: @cottonr has now visually offended the entire room
- donaldG: And @cottonr makes a good point, "I didn’t have any value to add so I kept my mouth shut." quality over quantity…
- bryanjones: I’m just gonna say it – I love @cottonr.
- tsudo: No doubt @cottonr knows blogging, great talk
- ghidotti: Ask a question in your blog; you’ll be amazed at the increase in comments and activity. @cottonr
- ghidotti: @cottonr giving the 7 minutes of blogging wisdom. This is good stuff to know in anticipation of my new blog hopefully coming soon.
- donaldG: I just saw the best presidential plea thx to @cottonr, ‘obama bring back arrested development!’ #SoSocial
- steventrotter: We made it to #sosocial! Just in time for @cottonr’s presentation. – http://twitpic.com/o6ufo
About the Southern Socials:
Realizing the need for such a group in our area, Bryan Jones from CJRW took the lead and organized the group. Here’s a description of the Southern Socials taken from it’s Facebook Group Page:
Description: (Aspiring to be) A community of southern social media leaders. I’ve launched this group because, in the new world of the Social Web, authenticity and integrity can quickly be traded in for a paid blog post, or a false product/service review. The need exists for a group of professionals to face the ethical challenges together, and discuss standards and proper use of Social Media for PR & Marketing. Cheers! -Bryan Jones
Currently the Southern Socials is a closed group, more or less invitation only. The reasoning for this is to ensure that the foundation of the group consists only of people directly involved in strategic development or execution of Brand/Product/Service community management.
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