My partner sent me this article today that discusses 10 Useless SEO worries. I thought it was pretty interesting so I am posting an excerpt below: (this is only 10 – 6, the rest will be posted next week as part 2 of the article), also, here is a link to the source:, had recently gotten an upgrade in PageRank, we went from a 5 to a 6. Now, keep in mind that we didn’t neccessarily move up in placement for any particular search term in the engines but nontheless we were delighted to see our little green bar in the Google Toolbar slide over one more notch! I know that we are not alone in this, I read the message boards and blogs, people are very aware of their Google PR whether it matters to the end user shopping for their website or not.
About Cotton Rohrscheib
The Cotton Club is a monthly podcast hosted by me, Cotton Rohrscheib. I'm a 52 year old entrepreneur w/ ADHD, OCD (and now AARP) that refuses to grow up as I grow old. I have collaborated and invested in hundreds of projects throughout my career in multiple industries such as; technology, healthcare, and agriculture. I also have 25 years experience in the marketing industry as a co-founder of an award-winning advertising agency. I will undoubtedly cover a wide variety of topics on my podcast while sharing some really crazy stories and situations that I've been fortunate to witness firsthand. I also have a book coming out in 2025 titled, "Mistakes were Made"
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