I’ve had some people ask so I figured I would post an update as to how things are going two weeks after being released from an unexpected week-long stay at the hospital where I learned that I have type 2 Diabetes. I’m happy to report that my blood sugar levels have stabilized at our target goal (below 200) and haven’t spiked or done anything erratic since being home. The first week was a little weird after being home, we basically went through the entire house and removed all of our “crap food” (just about everything w/ partially hydrogenated oils, excessive carbs & sugar, and anything else that looked like it might taste good). The “new diet”, is a hybrid diet based heavily on recommendations from the ADA (American Diabetes Association) and an expert in the field of diabetic nutrition, Neil Greathouse (a great friend, and even better pastor). Donna is also on board w/ this change in lifestyle and I’m very proud of her for the changes she’s having to make, I know it’s not easy.
While my blood sugar levels have been pretty stable, and I’ve been feeling better than I have in years (have even been exercising), that doesn’t mean that this disease is going down without a fight. A few days ago I started experiencing blurry vision that soon progressed to what seemed like blindness to me. I couldn’t see well enough to type or read an email, also I couldn’t read my telephone because my arms weren’t long enough and my eyes didn’t want to focus at all. About two days into this I was probably as frustrated as I’ve ever been and just threw my hands in the air. Fortunately I have Superman for an eye doctor, Hunter Scaife, he and I went to school together so I know firsthand that the dude is extremely sharp. He managed to work me into his schedule the very next day after we finally called and within about 30 or 45 minutes I was able to see and read w/out any issues at all and the raging headaches I had been having went away instantly. He went on to educate me as to how diabetes can mess with your vision (fortunately I’m going to only be a temporary diabetic). Long story short, I have been nearsighted since I was about 8 years old. Get this, I’m no longer near-sighted. In fact, I can see far away objects well enough to drive w/out corrective lenses in the State of Arkansas, but get this, my prescription did a complete reversal, I’m not only far-sighted now, but I also went “9 clicks” the other direction. He said that he had known of one other patient that went “13 clicks” before but that my “shift” was definitely impressive (in a wow, that’s not all that great kind of way). When I left his office not only could I see better than when I went in, I’m pretty sure that I can see better than I have in years!! So, yeah, take that diabetes, your not all of that…
In terms of overall health, I think I’m a lot healthier already than I was this time last year, and that’s a good thing because I’m turning 40 tomorrow (unless the Mayan’s had it right, in that case none of this even matters!). I definitely feel better than I have in a long time and a lot of things that I had been battling in terms of my health (that I had just excused as old age) are slowing coming back to me. I will spare you guys the details on some of this but trust me when I tell you… “I’m back. Ask my wife!” Happy. Happy. Happy. In the coming days I’m going to keep on the same routine of exercise and diet that I’ve been on and I know that things are going to continue to improve because God has allowed me to make it to the ripe old age of 40 when a lot of my friends weren’t that fortunate, so I know he has a purpose for me. Just going to accept this fact as my motivation and keep moving on!
One thing that I’m really excited about that I can’t really go into a lot of detail on right now but will very soon is a new product / challenge that I’m going to be going on in 2013, so stay tuned to this blog for more information. By the way, everyone at Pleth received a blood glucometer for Christmas this year!!
Keep up the good work! Sorry to hear you were having issues. Small changes make a big difference. Let me wish you a happy birthday also!
Thanks very much!! Nice to hear from you, hope things are going well!!
Cotton Rohrscheib
Partner, Co-Founder – Pleth, LLC